Feb 11th, 2022
Property Managers’ Corner: Investments in MacDonald Manor

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Ottawa Community Housing’s Tenant Experience team has been working on a $390,000 makeover of MacDonald Manor (at 110 Cobourg and 123 Augusta streets).
The work began in July and is expected to be complete in March 2022.
The work included:
fresh paint on hallway walls,
new vinyl tile flooring throughout the building common areas,
ceramic tiles in three lobbies,
ceramic wall cladding near elevators,
re-arranging the lobbies to improve security,
upgraded lighting in the lobbies,
three stairwells painted,
mailboxes replaced
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Property Managers keep a list of common-area repairs that are needed, then assign and complete work as funding allows. Has a community improvement project made a big impact on you? Let us know about it at editor@och.ca.