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Jan 28th, 2021

2021 Budget Passes

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On January 21, our Board of Directors passed OCH’s 2021 Budget. Ottawa Community Housing is committed to delivering tenant-focused services. Many changes are being implemented timprove your tenant experience. These include changes to our Call Centre services – such as new dedicated options for parking and pest managementComing this spring, we will launch the tenant self-serve online portal with the option for requesting non-urgent maintenance on our website. 

Since the onset of the pandemic, OCH has been declared an essential service by the Government of Ontario. This means that we continue to provide you with critical services throughout the state of emergency and stay-at-home measures.  

How does the 2021 budget impact OCH tenants? 

OCH is investing money in improving the hundreds of communities we serve. Some of the investments are listed below: 

  • $25.5 million will be spent in maintenance and repairs of buildings. 
  • $100,000 for Community Capital Fund projects – this program helps finance tenant-driven program that helps to beautify OCH communities – making them more welcoming for you and your guests.  
  • $1.2 million (OCH Green Fund) will help pay for building improvements such as retrofits that lower utility usage and reduce OCH’s carbon footprint. 

 Strong partnerships for the well-being of tenants during and after the pandemic 

We are also committed to working with partnersincluding Ottawa Public Health and Ottawa’s Human Needs Task Force. All our employees and contractors have been directed to follow the guidelines set out by the health authorities on physical distancing and mask-wearing. The Human Needs Task Force works with OCH to help connect tenants to the services you need. With the help of these partners, we will support your well-being throughout the pandemic, during the vaccination period, and beyond. This OCH 2021 Budget will help us get there.  


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