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The phase 2 redevelopment at 820 Gladstone will cover the northern 2.7 acres of a block bounded by Gladstone, Rochester, Booth and Raymond.  It will include mid-rise residential development along Gladstone and Rochester with low-rise townhomes along Booth.

Community Benefits 

The development will include a series of non-residential spaces that will be used for commercial rentals, community services and a number of work/live units. The site will also include multiple car-share parking spaces available for use by tenants and the broader community.


Amenities & Features  

There will be 273 new homes within five (5) buildings.  The proposed design is for two (2) nine-storey buildings with 241 homes, with another 32 homes within three (3) townhouse blocks. 

The design will support affordable housing with studios, one-bed homes, two-three, and four-beds.  It will include a generous amount of indoor and outdoor amenity space, coupled with surface and underground parking, bicycle parking, storage lockers, and a central park. 

Located at 820 Gladstone Avenue, it will be a 9-story building with 155 homes fronting  Gladstone Avenue and some 4,000 ft2 of commercial space at grade. 

Located at 305 Rochester Street, it will be a 9-storey building with 86 homes fronting on Rochester Street.  This building will be a partnership with PAL Ottawa. 

Other Features Include 


Construction work is underway.

Expected Completion Date



This multi-million dollar development is possible because of the contribution of the following investors: 
Ottawa Community Housing, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the City of Ottawa. 

Important Milestones

Oct 24, 2024 NEWS RELEASE: Ottawa Community Housing Awards Development Contract of 32 Townhomes to HEIN Construction

Oct 16th, 2023 NEWS RELEASE: Shovels are in the ground!

Gladstone Village – Subdivision

Gladstone Village is 8 acres of land bordered by Somerset Street to the north, east of the O-Train Trillium Line, west of Preston Street, and south of Oak Street (extension).

The Gladstone Village subdivision will include new streets, sidewalks, multi-use pathways, and infrastructure, servicing, and parcels that will be built out in phases over the coming decade.  It is designed to accommodate up to 1,100 new residential homes.

The subdivision will be anchored by a light rail station, the Corso Italia Light Rail Station, located at the southwest corner of the subdivision on the north side of Gladstone Avenue.

Gladstone Village Phase I

The development will be a progressive build of mixed-use (residential/retail/office), mixed-income (affordable and market rent), mixed-low density (low, mid and high-rise) and mixed tenure (rental/ ownership).

Phase 1 will see include:

Community Benefits 

The buildings will include plenty of indoor and outdoor amenity space for the residents to enjoy. 


Sustainability features have been incorporated into the design and function of the project. The buildings will be built to Passive House standards.

The project will be district energy-ready and include high-efficiency heating and cooling and wastewater heat recovery. The building rooftops will also have a solar photovoltaic array.

Amenities & Features


Construction start:  Subdivision construction work is underway!
Construction start:  Phase 1, Summer 2024

Expected Completion Date


Rental Information:

You can sign up here to receive email notifications once the apartments are ready to rent. 


This multi-million dollar development is possible because of the contribution of the following investors: 

Important Milestones

Sept 24th, 2024 NEWS RELEASE: Groundbreaking ceremony for 336 new affordable housing units in downtown Ottawa!

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